Thursday, June 12, 2008

I’m Nobody. Who are you? Are you Nobody, too?

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I’m Kappa, and when I say I’m “nobody” (and, of course, quote Emily Dickinson), I don’t mean that in the “I’m an insignificant little worm with lots of angst and no self-esteem” way; I am quite comfortable with who I am, thank you very much, and I outgrew my love of wallowing in angst in the real world back during my teenage years. (Life is so much more pleasant and enjoyable when one leaves angst to characters in novels and movies, I’ve discovered.) I’m a nobody in the sense that don’t have any special authority or qualifications to legitimize my opinions besides a newly-minted B.A. in English (I’m thinking of hanging it in my bathroom), yet I still have opinions and ideas zinging around inside my head that I’d love to share. I was attracted to the concept of blogging because it’s a platform that allows people to disseminate their views without requiring outside authorities to deem the writers to be “somebodies” worthy of the public’s attention. The reader and the writer have all the power in a blogging relationship. If you, dear Reader, find me interesting or entertaining, you’ll read on; if not, then I still get to experience the joy of writing, of getting those ideas to stop whizzing around inside my skull, by typing them out so I can make room for new ideas.

As for what you’ll see here if you stick around, that’s another of the beauties of blogging: I can take my blog in any direction that strikes my fancy. Right now, I’m planning on mainly writing commentaries or reviews of books, movies, and the occasional TV show. My tastes are very...eclectic, I suppose would be the best word, so expect that I’ll cover texts from a wide variety of genres, from art house flicks to blockbuster popcorn films, from westerns to sci-fi to historical dramas to classics. That means if one of my selections isn’t something that floats your boat, just hang in there for a little while, and I’ll likely post on something completely different and perhaps more to your liking or interest. Even so, I really hope that posting on a wide variety of books and movies might inspire you to try out great pieces in genres you might normally avoid. I’m a firm believer in the philosophy that a good story is a good story, no matter what genre label is attached to it, and I’ve found that almost every genre has a few real gems that simultaneously define and transcend their genre classifications.

Well, if you’re still reading, I thank you very much for spending your time in my little corner of the Internet, and I hope you’ll enjoy what’s to come. Welcome, and have fun!